
插畫:Walt  Huanz

文字改寫:蔡雯菁、 張東君

專業審訂: 張東君





Look at this big tail 看這個大尾巴!

       Whose tail it is 它是誰的尾巴啊?

       It is a kangaroo’s tail . 它是袋鼠的尾巴。

What do you think its tail can used for 你認為牠的尾巴能用來做什麼呢?

The kangaroo’s tail is just like a leg . 袋鼠的尾巴就像腿一樣。

It can lift the kangaroo up . 可以往上抬起身體。

Up Up Up 往上!往上!往上!

Now the kangaroos can kik . 現在袋鼠可以踢腿了!

Kick Kick Kick ! 踢!踢!踢!

Go Go Go Kangaroos Go !加油!加油!加油!袋鼠!加油!

Look This is how a kangaroo walks . 請看!袋鼠是怎麼走路的:

First , it jumps its front legs down . 首先,放下牠的前腿;

Second, it uses its tail support its body .再來,用牠的尾巴支撐身體;

Then it raises its back legs . 然後抬起牠的後腿;

And finally it moves forward . 最後牠就可以向前移動囉!  

This is a curly tail .這是捲捲的尾巴。

Whose tail it is 它是誰的尾巴呀?

It is a spider monkey’s tail . 這是蜘蛛猴的尾巴。

The spider monkey uses its tail just like a hand . 蜘蛛猴的尾巴就像手一樣。

Look how it holds on with its tail 看看牠如何用尾巴抓住東西喔!

And it can swing from here to there . 你看牠們可以在這裡盪來盪去。

The baby spider monkey usus its tail to hang on its own mom . 蜘蛛猴寶寶用尾巴抓住媽媽。

And the spider monkey can use its tail to grasp things tightly . 蜘蛛猴可以用尾巴緊緊的抓住東西。 

This tail is big and flat ! 這個尾巴又大又扁!

Whose tail is it ?它是誰的尾巴呀?

And this tail is small and furry ! 這個尾巴又小又毛!

Whose tail is it ?它是誰的尾巴呀

The flat one is a beaver’s tail . 扁扁的那個是海狸的尾巴。

See The beaver paddles with its tail . 看!海狸用它的尾巴滑水前進呢。

The beaver slaps its tail on the water to frighten its enemies . 海狸用尾巴拍打水面,嚇阻敵人。

Then it can swim away fast . 然後牠可以很快的逃走很快的逃走。

The furry one is a flying squirrel’s tail. 毛毛的那個是鼯鼠的尾巴。

The flying squirrel balances itself with its tail . 鼯鼠會用尾巴來保持平衡喔!

The tail helps it land smoothly . 牠的尾巴可以用來保持平衡。

And the squirrel also uses its tail to keep worm when it is sleeping . 當鼯鼠睡覺的時候,也可以用尾巴來保暖。   

What a big bottom , 這麼大的屁股耶,

but the tail is so small . 但是尾巴卻這麼小。

Whase tail is that ? 它是誰的尾巴呀?

It is a hippo’s tail . 它是河馬的尾巴。 

Swoosh Swoosh ! 咻咻!咻咻!   

The hippo is cleaning its behind . 河馬正在清理牠的屁股。 
      The hippo is spraying its poop into the air . 河馬把糞便掃出去,在空氣中產生味道。  
       The smell tells others , 這個味道告訴大家:  
     “This is my place 「這是我的地盤!」  

A hippo also sprays poop under water to darken it . 在水中時,河馬也會把糞便掃出去,使水變混濁,  
      That way its enemies cannot see it . 這樣一來,敵人就看不到牠了。


This tail is think . 這個尾巴好粗喔,


and it looks strong . 而且它看起來好強壯喔!


Whose tail is it? 它是誰的尾巴呀?


It is a lion’s tail. 它是獅子的尾巴。


The daddy lion’s think tail is his cub’s toy! 獅子爸爸的尾巴是小獅子的玩具呢! 


Hey! Look at all these animals ! 嘿──看看這些動物們!


This is a giraffe . 這是長頸鹿,


Here is a rabbit . 這兒是隻兔子,


And here is a lemur . 而這是隻狐猴,


This is a groung squirrel . 這是一隻黃鼠。


That is a lesser panda . 那是小貓熊,


Here is a porcupine . 這兒是隻豪豬,


These are meerkats . 這些是灰沼狸,


And this is a zebra . 而這是隻斑馬,


That is an elephant . 那是一隻大象。   


All of them have beautiful tails . 所有的動物都有漂亮的尾巴,


Look carefully . 讓我們看個清楚吧!


This is the giraffe’s tail . 這是長頸鹿的尾巴,


Here is the rabbit’s tail . 這兒是兔子的尾巴,


And here is the lemur’s tail . 這是狐猴的尾巴,


This is the groung squirrel’s tail . 而這是黃鼠的尾巴。


That is the lesser panda’s tail . 那是小貓熊的尾巴,


Here is the porcupine’s tail . 這兒是豪豬的尾巴,


These are the meerkats’s tails . 這些是灰沼狸的尾巴,


And this is the zebra’s tail . 而這是隻斑馬的尾巴,


That is the elephant’s tail . 那是大象的尾巴。


Wow! What a  great tail show ! 哇!好棒的尾巴博覽會喔! 




What Can Tails Be? 尾巴可以是怎樣的?  
          Tails can be think . 尾巴可以是粗的。  
          Tails can be thin . 尾巴可以是細的。 
          Tails can be big or small . 尾巴可以是大的或是小的。 
          Tails can be long . 尾巴可以是長的。 
          Tails can be short . 尾巴可以是短的。 
          And tails can be curly or flat . 尾巴可以是捲捲的或是扁扁的。 
          Tails can slap . 
          Tails can paddle . 尾巴可以滑水。 
          Tails can grasp and lift . 尾巴可以抓拿或是提舉。 
          Tails can swing . 尾巴可以搖擺。 
          Tails can clean . 尾巴可以清理。 
          And tails can grab just like hands ! 尾巴可以像手一樣抓取!


              Scuence Fun趣味科學:  
                      一、Kangaroo Diagram袋鼠圖。(填身體各部位器官) 
           二、Riddle Puzzle猜謎填字。(填字遊戲)
           三、Opposites Check List相反詞清單。
           四、Tail Function尾巴功能。(單字拼寫)



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